Rarely do I use this blog for an announcement like this, but Joe Zippo was a special guy and he’s worth the exception.
Tomorrow is the Joe (Kelley) Zippo Memorial Show in Salem, Mass. I usually avoid Salem this time of year because of all the touristy Halloween mania. But for him I’m going in. So should you.
Mood music:
All of the show’s proceeds will go towards Joe’s headstone and plot.
Time |
Saturday, October 16 · 5:00pm – 11:00pm
Location | St.John’s cafeteria
32 St. Peter St. (across from Salem Cinema – the place with the giant BINGO sign).)
Salem, MA
I never played in a band with Joe and we fell out of touch in recent years. But I’ll always appreciate the friendship he extended to me at Salem State.
I’m looking forward to seeing some old friends. I hope you are among them.
The show was awesome! we raised enough t get the headstone and plot plus we will be setting up a scholarship with Joes name. It will go to a SSC/SSU student who is a member of wmwm or atlantic ambulance. But willbde decided by a small panel of people. The student will recieve $500-1000. We will award it to teh student who best resembles what Joe would deem worth or a loser
we willbe doing a yearly show somewhere if not same place at his birthday… contact me for more info