This is a tribute to a great man. It’s also about COVID-19 hitting close to home.
Bob Scharn was a giver.
He gave unlimited love to his wife and son and unlimited time as leader of my children’s Boy Scout troop.
He gave everything he had to everyone. The troop kids were his kids. Those kids have all grown into impressive young men. My older son is an Eagle Scout today thanks in no small part to Bob’s encouragement and guidance.
He was kind and patient to the core. I never once saw him raise his voice or lose his cool when the Scouts became a handful.
He also laughed at all my jokes, appreciating that obnoxiously bad ones were a right of passage for dads everywhere.
You could talk to him about anything. He could talk politics without letting his passions get the better of him. When he talked about Marvel movies and comics, his passions were clear from his endless supply of facts and figures. But whenever he shared anything, he was humble.
Come to think of it, I’m not sure I’ve ever known a more humble guy. That’s no overstatement.
Three weeks ago, Bob entered the hospital with COVID-19. His wife and son had come down with it as well but were able to recover at home. His was a more serious case. In the three weeks since, his wife and son have provided daily updates. Some days Bob held his own and it even looked like his lungs were clearing up.
Then things got worse. He needed a ventilator and dialysis.
Finally, last night, his son delivered the heartbreaking news that Bob’s body couldn’t take it any longer. He is now part of that bitter statistic — another American death in a pandemic that continues to spiral beyond control.
Bob has the eternal thanks of my family, and our hearts go out to his wife, Colleen, and son, Matthew.
Both are strong and will endure. Matthew will no doubt make his father proud many times over.
I know others who have fought COVID-19. Fortunately, they have recovered. Bob’s death is a punch to the gut.
A warning for all of you: Be careful. Limit your contact with people. Stay out of crowds. And for God’s sake, wear a mask.
If your family wants to have a gathering and someone is worried that doing so is too great a risk, don’t discount their concern.
By all accounts, the Scharns had been careful to avoid this.
To those tempted to use this post as license to spout conspiracy theories about how this isn’t really a pandemic but a government ploy to lord over the masses and change the outcome of an election, I have two words for you.
But I won’t say them here.
Bob wouldn’t have. He was better than that.

I love your post. A truly heartfelt tribute. There are people you meet you dont need to know long but you know how good of a person they are. Bob was one of those men who bring peace to other people and it started with his family. That was obvious even knowing the Scharns only a short time over this past year.