
Why the author has a mild obsession with needles this morning. Mood music for this post: “The Needle and the Damage Done,” by Neil Young: [youtube=] Sean had his annual physical yesterday and came home in a subdued mood after having blood drawn and a booster shot. I felt kind of bad for him, but …

Scenes from the Airport

The author finds airport amusement where he once found hell. Here’s what happens. Mood music for this post: “Learn to Fly” by Foo Fighters: [youtube=] I sit here at 6:23 a.m. San Francisco time, sitting at the gate for a flight home in an hour. Considering what I just passed through, I got here pretty …

The Migraine

Every time the author gets a migraine, he’s reminded of how every day used to be. Mood music: [spotify:track:2O2ii9OPZYh1NBXo9FtE0Y] Yesterday I came home from work with a slight headache. It was a hectic day, so I chalked it up to coming down from the whirlwind. As I made the kids’ lunches for the next school …

Waiting for the Sun

The author on how longer days mean less depression — for him, anyway. Mood music for this post: “Waiting for the Sun,” by The Doors: [youtube=] I’m starting to feel it. The mental release that comes with longer periods of daylight. Sure, everyone loves the longer days and everything else that marks the coming of …

The Angry Years

The author can’t say his temper was a direct result of OCD, depression and addictive behavior. But dealing with those things did make it go away. Mostly. I had one hell of a temper when I was younger. To call it a byproduct of OCD, depression and addiction would be a stretch, because I think …

How I’m Feeling

As I mentioned in my posts Prozac Winter and The Mood Swing, I recently went up 20 milligrams on the Prozac because of the depression that tends to set in during the winter. [For more on the background, see The Bad Pill Kept Me From The Good Pill and An OCD Christmas] I’m three weeks …

Have Fun With Your Therapist (A.K.A.: The Shrink Stigma)

Mental-illness sufferers often avoid therapists because the stigma around these “shrinks” is as thick as that of the disease. The author is here to explain why you shouldn’t fear them. Mood music for this post: “Just Another Psycho” by Motley Crue: [youtube=] It’s a funny thing when I talk to people suffering from depression, addiction …

The Mood Swing

Back in the day, when I was throwing parties in the basement of my house in Revere, Mass., I would reach a certain level of intoxication around 2 a.m. where I’d freeze in place, yell “mood swing!” and throw candy and other food items around the room. People seemed to enjoy it, so I kept …