Visit these sites to learn about various addictions, what the root causes are and how to regain control.
- Compulsion Solutions (Help for Sex Addiction and Porn Addiction): A 12-step program for those who want to stop their addictive sexual behavior. The site includes conference phone meetings and web meetings.
- Alcoholics Anonymous: A 12-step program for those who wish to stop drinking.
- American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry: The academy promotes evidence-based screening, assessment and treatment for substance use and co-occurring mental disorders (having more than one mental disorder at a given time). It’s a great source for finding all the latest research reports.
- American Society of Addiction Medicine: This organization is for those looking to better understand how medicine works. It includes the latest research and resources for medical professionals and those training in the field.
- Cocaine Anonymous: The 12-step program for those who want to kick cocaine.
- Co-Dependents Anonymous: This group of men and women work to get out of destructive relationships and develop healthy relationships.
- Overeaters Anonymous: The 12-step program for those who want to stop compulsive overeating.
- The Real Facts about Drugs: Drug addiction often starts with recreational use. Get the facts about different drugs and their dangers.