Getting There

Woke up in a dark mood, which happens a lot in December. Some of it’s because of things that have happened this time of year. But I’m starting to think the bigger problem is the shortness of the daylight. After some NIN from the iTunes library, I’m starting to get my mojo back. And so it’s back to work. For now, I leave you with this reminder that it’s Pearl Harbor Day.

Welcome to The OCD Diaries

I’ve thought about starting a personal blog for a long time, but resisted. The usual social networking platforms  work just fine for proliferating my articles and podcasts for the site I work for, As for the personal stuff, I try to keep it limited to the amusing things my children say on a daily basis or what I’m reading or what kind of music I’m listening to. But the deeper stuff I’ve always kept to myself. Recent events have convinced me it’s time to start sharing.


Because I’ve been around the block a few times and think I might just possibly have a little wisdom worth passing on to folks who are traveling the road I’ve been down already. Also: I tend to go through periods of brooding this time of year and writing is good therapy, right?

I’ll occasionally mention some deeply personal stuff. The goal isn’t to start a pity party. Every one of us travels through the storm. And in the end, I’m extremely grateful for where my life is at today. I guess that’s why I’m doing this: To show that there’s a way through the storm.

I’m calling this The OCD Diaries because that disorder has been my personal storm. In learning to manage it and conquer fear, I have learned the true beauty of life.

Now that this first awkward post is done, time to dress up this blog and start finding my groove.