A Musical Approach to Blog Writing

I’m often asked how I came up with my process for writing and promoting my blog posts. Each time I offer a musician’s analogy.

Mood music:

I write posts the way a musician writes a song: scrawling lyrics down on napkins and notepads, perfecting the chorus and bridge of each song by playing them over and over, tweaking them as the mood dictates.

Sometimes I’m writing a one-off post and sometimes I’m writing a series, just as the musician writes a single song or an album’s worth of music. The posts I’ve revolved around the artwork of EddieTheYeti is a good example of the latter.

If I write something I think is particularly good, I’ll post the link to it in different forums across the Internet to bring it to share it with as many people as possible. Sometimes I’ll do that kind of promotion for a day or a week. Sometimes I’ll share links of older posts, bringing them back when they fit a given situation. Whenever the anniversary of the Manson Murders rolls around, for example, I’ll repost links to various related items I’ve written over the years. When the anniversary of a big event in my life comes around, I’ll repost links to what I’ve written about that topic. My older brother’s death is a good example.

Just as songs are meant to be replayed, so are blog posts. I remember reading an interview where Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richard said you’re only doing half the job if you put out an album but don’t tour to support it. That’s how I feel about blog posts. If you have a message to get out, you have to stay on the road, so to speak.

Some songs become popular long after they were released. Bruce Springsteen’s “City of Ruin” took on new meaning right after 9-11 — years after it was first written. I once saw Springsteen talk about that song in an interview. He said sometimes songs go away but come back when you need them. I once wrote a post about Mister Rogers telling children about how the helpers always show up after big tragedies like 9-11 and Hurricane Katrina. Not many people read it at the time I wrote it, but whenever something terrible happens — the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in late 2012, for example — lots of people read that post.

Musicians always have songs in the collection that they’re not proud of, so they obviously don’t get played live. It’s the same for me. If I write what I think was a shitty post in hindsight, I don’t bring it up again. But I don’t delete them from the blog. I wrote ’em and choose to own ’em forever, for better or worse.

Then I go back into the studio and write some more.

Bill Playing Guitar

The Blogger with the Self-Destruct Button

I’ve been an obsessively prolific writer over the years, and, frankly, I’ve had to take stock in what I’m doing. Overkill is an art for those of us with OCD, and it’s hard to say no when someone asks me to do something new.

I have two new ongoing projects. I’m doing a new podcast in addition to my Akamai Security Podcast.

I’ve also started blogging for the Liquidmatrix Security Digest.

But I’m still going to force some discipline upon myself.

Mood music:

I already reined in the frequency for this blog a couple years ago. Many days early on I wrote two or three posts a day, then went and wrote another couple posts a day in Salted Hash, the security blog I was writing for CSOonline. I’ve settled into a more sensible rhythm of four OCD Diaries posts a week, with a ban on posts when I’m traveling.

On the work side, I write in a group setting with The Akamai Blog, and I promised the blog’s managers I’d keep it to one post a day.

I do the Akamai Security Podcast once a week and the new Security Kahuna Podcast I’ll be doing with Akamai colleagues Dave Lewis and Martin McKeay will be monthly to start.

That brings me to Liquidmatrix. Founder Dave Lewis gave me the keys to his blogging platform and told me to write whatever I want, whenever I want, as long as I don’t get him sued.

That’s dangerous for me.

There’s a strong urge to go in there and start pumping out multiple posts a day. In our industry, there’s never a shortage of things to write about.

The danger is that I’ll get so into it that I’ll self-destruct, blowing myself to bits in the struggle to maintain my prolific reputation.

But I’m not going to do that.

Instead, I’ll write a Liquidmatrix post once a week, on Fridays, and I’ll drop my Akamai blogging from five posts a week to four.

I’m a lucky guy, having all these opportunities to be a voice in my industry and fighting for what I believe in on the side. It’s a gift. But in undisciplined hands, it’s a ticking box that threatens to blow off my hands.

Back in My Hell by Eddie the Yeti
Art: “Back in My Own Hell” by EddieTheYeti. See more of his work on DeviantArt.com.

Quoted in Forbes Again

For the second time this year, I’m quoted in a Forbes article. Cheryl Snapp Conner and Tom Lowery have been too kind. 🙂

The earlier story was about how mental illness can actually make people stronger in their jobs.

The latest is an article called “Fifty Shades of Effort: The Writer’s Life, and Why We Choose It.” In it, I talk about why I started writing the OCD Diaries, and what, in general, continues to fuel my passion for writing.
