A New Food Plan, A New World

For five years, I’ve been living off the same exact food plan. Four ounces of protein, three ounces of grain or starch, 10 ounces of vegetable. It served me well most of the time, but in the past year my nutritional needs have changed and sticking to the old plan made a mess of me.

Tuesday, I went to see a new nutritionist, and my diet is now changed in a massive way.

Mood music:


Revamping the food plan has become an essential piece of my getting back on the path to OA recovery, and just one day of it has me feeling much better.

The first thing we did was dial back on the vegetables. Ten ounces had become too much to stomach. We cut the amount in half. But the biggest change is that this plan calls for more variety, an afternoon snack and dessert. The last item is in keeping with the no-flour, no-sugar mindset and will consist of things like fruit puddings.

Here’s what my food diary looked like yesterday. As I get the hang of this, I’ll start running some recipes you might find useful (click on image for larger view):Food Diary for April 24, 2013