Halloween Ho-Hum

Some of my friends go bonkers for Halloween. They run an endless torrent of zombie apocalypse memes on Facebook. They revere the holiday above Christmas and Easter. Good for them. It’s more of a ho-hum holiday for me.

Mood music:


It would be easy to tell you I’m down on Halloween this year because so many people are suffering this day from the damage Hurricane Sandy left them with. But the truth is that this has never been one of my favorites. For a compulsive binge eater, this holiday and the days that follow tend to be a real nightmare.

I stopped eating Halloween candy four years and one month ago, but when the kids come home with trick-or-treat bags bulging, the temptation remains powerful. If you were a cocaine addict and your kitchen was surrounded by massive mounts of blow, you might feel the way I’m feeling about now.

I do have much to be thankful for. I used to binge on my kids’ candy for days and weeks after Halloween. By the end of November I’d be a pile of waste, bloated and depressed. That hasn’t happened for the last few years, even though my program isn’t quite where it should be.

I guess past memories are hard to shake, though.

Oh, well.

I’m still happy to see my kids and friends taking joy in Halloween. More power to them.

As for me, I just might go back to bed.

Rotten Pumpkin