Fun with the “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” Trailer

The opinions are flowing since Friday’s release of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie trailer.

Some people have stupidly made a big deal out of a black man being in a stormtrooper outfit. Others hate the lightsaber wielded by what appears to be a Sith lord.

I don’t care about those things. I also don’t care if J.J. Abrams sticks to Star Wars canon or not. I just want to see a fun movie with a good story and strong characters.

Here’s what I care about above all: the parodies that inevitably surface. In the case of Episode VII, not a second has been wasted.

Here’s the actual trailer:

Now for a version showing what the trailer would look like if George Lucas had made it:

And, of course, it was inevitable that someone would make a LEGO version:

All of which are fun. Enjoy.

Darth Vader asleep in bed. Beneath him are the words The Force Is Sleepy