Make a List to Realize You’re Not Completely Screwed

I’ve been going through a major bout of insecurity lately as a result of juggling so many responsibilities at once. We all go through this on occasion, so I don’t claim to be a special snowflake in this regard.

In an effort to feel a little less overwhelmed, I turned to a tool I should use more often: list making. After writing it all down, I find that I’m not quite as screwed as first thought.

With that, here’s a list of what I’ve accomplished so far this year.

  • Created a new LLC to run the family building
  • Signed up an anchor tenant for the building
  • Brought in a partner to manage the place so I can focus on my real job in infosec
  • Cleaned up the building, including painting inside and out and remodeling the front office
  • Moved the environmental cleanup on site from Phase 2 to 3, which allows us to actually clean up the mess after two years of digging, drilling and testing
  • Kept all the bills paid

What I need to do better at:

  • Taking better care of my health
  • Not coming unglued with every stressful development
  • Being more present at home
  • Playing guitar

I feel better now.

Survival Journal in a jungle