Thank You, All

Things I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving and every day:


  • My wife, who seems to grow more beautiful by the day, and our children, who keep us young.
  • My work, because cybersecurity never gets boring, the people in the industry are great friends I learn from daily and my office colleagues rock.
  • My Aunt Robin (I’m glad we’re back in contact) and my extended family.
  • My parents for sticking by me when I was a kid, even though I gave them plenty to worry about.
  • An army of friends that seems to grow by the day. That includes all the new friends I’ve made because of this blog, old friends who have always been nearby and friends I thought were gone forever but somehow came back into my life.
  • Sean Marley for showing me how to live way back when no one else could get through to me.
  • My recovery from OCD and addiction. My recovery is challenged every day. Some days it bends. Some days it burns. But it hasn’t been broken.
  • The city of Haverhill, for accepting me for who I am.
  • The city of Revere, for always welcoming me back.
  • The people who forgive.
  • The gift of writing, which gets me through every day.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

Giving Thanks