‘Religion Flies You Into Buildings’

Here’s my thing: Everyone should be free to believe what they want. I choose the Catholic faith. I have friends who are Muslim, Jewish and Atheist.

I only judge you by whether you’re a kind soul or an asshole.

Mood music:


But there’s always someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else — someone who is so certain their belief is the only right answer that they’ll go to extremes to put down people who feel a different way.

That’s when we get slogans like this:


This is apparently the brainchild of Victor Stenger — a slogan idea for the so-called Atheist Bus Campaign.

The message to me is this: Those who put all their faith in science never commit evil and always live for the greater good. Muslims, on the other hand, are twisted and evil and fly planes into buildings.

I think someone out there has gotten too sensitive about all those “evil scientist” stereotypes from the movies.

The bigger truth is that human beings twist everything: science, religion, systems of government. To suggest it never happens in your corner of the woods is to be fooling yourself.

You’re also dishonoring all the good people who died on Sept. 11, 2001. The terrorists had twisted Islam into some evil thing it’s not meant to be, and they killed Atheists, Christians, Jews and other Muslims that day.

You can say religion flies us into buildings, but science gives us potential mass killers as the nuclear bomb.

Take your stupid talk and go screw.