One Good Thing About Westboro Baptist Church

The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) hates homosexuals. In fact, its members hate pretty much everybody. When terrible tragedy strikes, they praise it as God’s retribution for all the things they’re against.

Mood music:


That alone is reason for me to hate them back. But these people take it to even lower levels by picketing the funerals of fallen soldiers. Now they’ve threatened to picket funerals for the tiny victims of Friday’s Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre.

But I’m not going to hate them back, because even a filthy group like this serves a purpose.


Here’s the one good thing about WBC: Their hateful actions bring out the good in others. They inspire people to take a stand for what’s right.

The best example this week: police, firefighters and others from neighboring states have come to Newtown, Conn., to form massive human walls at the funerals, blocking the Westboro picketers from the mourners’ view.

It goes to show that for every hateful action, there’s a loving reaction to overpower the bad. In this case, the WBC picketers were scared away.

God is good.
