Today is the wake and funeral for Jessica Cormier, the girl who worked for my parents and was murdered last week.
I was at the family business Saturday and you could tell everyone there is devastated by the loss. I’m told she could handle any task around there. Having worked there as a teenager and early twenty-something, I can tell you that’s no small feat.
I’m sorry I never got to know her, but I’m grateful to her for helping the family as she did. For those who want to pay their respects, here’s the wake and funeral information, from the Boston Herald death notice:
Jessica Barbara Rose Cormier
CORMIER Jessica Barbara Rose of Everett, January 3rd, at 20 years of age. Devoted daughter of Walter and Barbara (Melesciuc) Cormier. Beloved sister of Nicole Cormier and her fiance Lee Thomas and his son Samuel Thomas of Everett. Granddaughter of the late Stephen and Barbara Melesciuc and Walter and Catherine Cormier. Also lovingly survived by many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Family and friends are kindly invited to attend a Funeral Service in the Smith Funeral Home, 125 Washington Avenue, CHELSEA, on Monday, January 9th, at 12:00 Noon. Visitation will be held prior to the service beginning at 10:00 A.M. Services will conclude with interment at Holy Cross Cemetery, Malden. In lieu of flowers, donations in her name may be made to any cause or organization that assists families that lost a loved one to a violent crime. Smith Funeral Home 617-889-1177

i didn’t know jessica personally,but my daughter graduated in her class at everett HS,and knew her.i’ve never said this in my life,but i have nothing but hate for that P.O.S. who did this cowardly,horrible act to this girl,and her family.may he rot in h-ll,and meet some fellow prisoner who has a daughter,take out SOME of his rage on this low-life,sc-mb-g…I’de LOVE TO.A.G.