
There are some cranky people in New England today. A snowstorm on April 1 will do it every time. If you suffer from seasonal depression — the kind that strikes in the dead of winter — this kind of weather in spring can throw a person over the edge.

Mood music:


I remember April 1, 1997 when we had a blizzard that dumped at least a foot of snow. I was holed up in my mother’s house in Revere, already going though a depression and binge eating myself into a stupor. The storm took me to a dark place I didn’t think could even exist. That first year following the death of a best friend was already turning out to be shitty on multiple levels, and the blizzard was the icing on a rotten cake.

Fast-forward to April 1, 2011.

I’m not liking the snow all that much, either. But I’m OK with it. It’s not bringing me down this time.

The medication is doing its job.

I’m working from home with a beautiful redhead and an adorable little niece.

I’m editing and writing, and the content is looking good.

The coffee is strong.

The kids are in school.

All is well.

Sometimes the seasons don’t flow together the way they’re supposed to. But it doesn’t have to crush a person’s spirit.

So if you live in my neck of the woods and feel despair, remember this:

–The days are getting longer and the sun stronger, so any snow that falls will be gone in a matter of days.

–The further into April we go, the less likely it is we’ll see more snow. If we do, it’ll melt fast.

All storms pass.

The air will get a lot warmer. Some people will then complain that it’s too hot.

Not me, though.

I love a good summer drought.

One Reply to “Snowblind”

  1. I have always thought of New England seasons as four seasons whose ends weave together, instead of blending smoothly. At the beginning of a season, we get flashbacks, reminders of what was, and at the end of the season we get preview days of weather to come. If we are smart, the weather we hope for, expect, and plan for aren’t all the same.

    May your snow melt soon so the flowers can poke back up!

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